EV-Epidote offer consultancy to end users in operating and service companies focused on three of our areas of expertise; the analysis and reporting of well integrity logs, quantification of the 3D geometry and drift analysis of deformed pipe, and production log analysis.

EV-Epidote provides well integrity consultancy ranging from survey planning advice through to multi-well, time lapse corrosion analysis. We specialise in the evaluation of multi-finger caliper, thickness and related well integrity measurements. Through many years’ experience developing software for analysing and reporting this data, we have acquired a thorough understanding of how tubular anomalies are recorded and best understood. operating companies receive detailed, impartial reporting that helps extract maximum value from their data. Service Company customers, often existing MIPS users, can draw on our specialised knowledge to manage better their Interpretation workloads.

We use our MIPSPro software to provide a comprehensive range of processing options, and with its built-in reporting module, MIPSPro delivers accurate, consistent and time efficient results. Reports can be readily tailored to end user preferences, focusing on specific analysis requirements or using preferred interpretation methods with results presented in a user defined format. Results are presented in a detailed written report supported by log plots, digital data and a MIPSView project that allows the end user to inspect data and visualise results in 2D and 3D. When immediate operational decisions need to be made based on analysis results we provide a fast turnaround service, typically within a few hours of data receipt.

Often used during well production, workover and abandonment phases, applications for our consultancy services include:

  • Corrosion and other metal loss analysis
  • Restriction analysis of scale or other deposits
  • Identification of mechanical deformation
  • Setting depth optimisation for plugs, packers, ESPs etc.
  • Time lapse analysis
  • Program review and acquisition planning
  • Analysis of ‘difficult’ data sets
  • Data QC, reporting peer review, and an audit service

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